Chasing Yellow 2024 - Which TdF rider am I channeling?

Something I put together last year and manually updated (with a lot of copy/pasting of spreadsheets) - this year thanks to access to some data, and some scripting I've gone automagic! so for a bit of fun, you can compare to what TdF rider you're potentially channeling on a given stage and across the tour. This is clearly not an official Chasing Tour resource - for that you'll want to visit the Chasing Tour site for details or the Chasing Racing Discord for bantz.

Much thanks to Jon and the Chasing Racing crew for setting up the series! (and for all the data processing that gets done!)

Notes for Anthony (you can bug me on the discord): v0.3
- TODO: need to get an "as at" stage metric..
- TODO: make this look less ugly